Banana and Almond Butter Protein Pancakes

There’s nothing quite like starting your day with a stack of fluffy, golden pancakes. And when those pancakes are not only delicious but also packed with wholesome ingredients, it’s a breakfast win-win. Enter our Banana and Almond Butter Pancakes—a delightful twist on the classic pancake recipe. These pancakes are not just a treat for your taste buds; they’re a nutritional powerhouse that will kickstart your morning in the best way possible. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to whip up this breakfast delight that’s sure to become a family favorite.

IngredientsAmountAP PricePrice per Recipe
Ripe Banana1$0.30$0.30
Large Eggs2$3.00$0.50
Almond Butter2 T$7.00$0.50
Rolled Oats1/4 C$3.00$0.10
Baking Powder1/2 tsp
Cinnamon1/2 tsp
Butter or Oil for Cooking1 tsp$1.50$0.10
Optional Toppings (e.g. sliced banana, honey, chopped nuts)variable$5.00$0.50
Cost Per Serving$0.66


Blend the Ingredients: In this step, we’re taking the traditional pancake batter to a whole new level of nutrition. By blending together ripe bananas, eggs, almond butter, rolled oats, protein powder (if you want an extra protein boost), baking powder, and a touch of cinnamon, you’re creating a batter that’s not only incredibly delicious but also brimming with essential nutrients. The ripe bananas contribute natural sweetness and a hint of fruity flavor, while the almond butter adds a lovely nutty dimension. The rolled oats and protein powder provide a hearty, sustained energy release, making these pancakes perfect for a power-packed breakfast.

Preheat the Griddle or Pan: Before you start cooking your pancakes, make sure to preheat your non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. You can use a small amount of butter or oil to prevent sticking. This is where the magic happens. The sizzle as the batter hits the hot griddle, and the tantalizing aroma that fills the air is enough to get anyone’s taste buds dancing.

Pour the Batter: Once your griddle is properly heated, it’s time to pour the pancake batter. You’ll want to aim for uniformity, so using a ladle or measuring cup helps create pancakes of similar size. This ensures that they cook evenly and look beautifully uniform. The batter will spread into perfect circles, promising a visually appealing stack.

Cook the Pancakes: As the batter starts to sizzle and form little bubbles on the surface, it’s time to flip your pancakes. It typically takes about 2-3 minutes on each side. Keep a close eye on them; they’re ready when they’re a glorious shade of golden brown and slightly firm to the touch. The anticipation is almost as delightful as the taste itself.

Serve Warm: Take those golden beauties off the griddle and stack them on a plate. There’s something undeniably comforting about a tall stack of pancakes ready to be devoured. The warmth of the freshly cooked pancakes is irresistible, and the aroma wafting from your kitchen will have everyone eagerly awaiting their breakfast.

Add Toppings: Now, here’s where you can let your creativity shine. Top your pancakes with sliced bananas for an extra burst of natural sweetness. Drizzle a generous spoonful of honey to add a touch of liquid gold, and sprinkle chopped nuts for that satisfying crunch. These toppings not only enhance the visual appeal but also take the flavor and texture to the next level. They’re like the icing on the pancake!


  • If you don’t have almond butter, you can use any nut or seed butter you prefer.
  • Customize your toppings! You can also add Greek yogurt, fresh berries, or a sprinkle of cocoa powder for extra flair.

Banana and Almond Butter Protein Pancakes

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 10 minutesRest time: 1 minuteTotal time: 16 minutesServings:4 servings Best Season:Fall


These banana and almond butter protein pancakes are not only delicious but provide a healthy dose of protein to start your day right.



  1. In a blender, combine the ripe banana, eggs, almond butter, rolled oats, protein powder (if using), baking powder, and cinnamon. Blend until you have a smooth batter.
  2. Preheat the Griddle or Pan: Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Add a small amount of butter or oil to prevent sticking.
  3. Pour the pancake batter onto the hot griddle, using a ladle or measuring cup for even-sized pancakes.
  4. Cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side, or until they’re golden brown and slightly firm to the touch.
  5. Remove the pancakes from the griddle and stack them on a plate.
  6. Top with sliced banana, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of chopped nuts for extra flavor and texture.
  7. Enjoy! Serve warm, and enjoy the goodness of these protein-packed pancakes.


  • If you don’t have almond butter, you can use any nut or seed butter you prefer.
  • Customize your toppings! You can also add Greek yogurt, fresh berries, or a sprinkle of cocoa powder for extra flair.



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